Agricultural Services
Boom Spraying
Boom Spraying is an efficient way to apply agrichemicals to broad acre crops or pasture. TV’s boom sprayer is computer controlled with auto shutoff ensuring chemical is applied evenly at the correct rate, which avoids wastage, saving you money. Air-Inducted nozzles further reduce spray drift, ensuring accurate placement. Our versatile equipment, featuring adjustable spray widths allows applications to both large and small land holdings.
Effective pasture weed control is one sure way to maximise your feed availability throughout the season.
All our operational staff at Team Vegetation are trained in the safe handling and application of chemicals, while our supervisory staff are registered chemical applicators. We ensure we keep up to date with all legislation and other legal requirements, as well as our contractual obligations regarding the use of chemicals for treating weeds and pest plants in this ecologically sensitive environment.
Gun spraying
TV is fully equipped to handle all hand gun spraying projects with their fleet of modern high capacity spray rigs able to operate at high volumes and high pressures.
It is a well-known maxim that brush weeds, left unattended, will triple their size every 12 months making it a serious economic mistake to ignore them in the hopes they will be just as easy to deal with next year.
The extra cost of eradication combined with the concurrent loss of pasture production will impact your bottom line figures much more than you would imagine.
Drain spraying
The maintenance of the drainage network on flat land is a very important area of concern for land owners. It can be the difference between wet unproductive pastures that are unusable over the wetter months or dry productive pastures that will support your stock feed requirements throughout the season. Drain spraying has consistently proven to be the best and most economic option for keeping your drains flowing freely throughout the year. A drain with no obstructive weeds will not silt up and need machine cleaning for many years.
TV have a purpose built hydraulic drain spraying rig, ready and waiting and, because of the efficiency we can achieve with this rig, we can offer some very competitive spraying rates to maintain your drainage network. What his means for the busy farmer, is that it isn’t worth doing it yourself.
Give TV a call, test them out.